Criticall Dispatch Primer System

| 7,576 students | Last Updated: Jan 24, 2023
Created by: Maureen - Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
  • Overview
  • Practice Test
  • Curriculum
  • Reviews

Every year, thousands of dispatch applicants are turned away because they failed the Criticall exam. This test is notorious for being significantly harder than the average day on the job, leading 90% of applicants to fail.

If you fail this exam, you won’t get a second chance – your application will be void.

But here’s the good news:

Congratulation– by being on this page, you’ve already taken the first step toward increasing your passing rate by 85%. So how do we take the next step toward securing your success?

The answer is surprisingly easy. You just need two things:

  • The device you’re using to read this right now
  • Three hours of your time

That’s all you need. You can go from knowing nothing whatsoever about the Criticall to being 100% prepared in just three hours, from the comfort of your home (or wherever you want to study!)

Thanks to Prepterminal’s 8-step Dispatch Primer System, our students enjoy an incredible 95% success rate on the Criticall exam.

We’ve worked in collaboration with veteran dispatch trainers and law enforcement recruitment experts to assemble the quickest & most effective method to fully prepare for the Criticall and breeze through the real thing on exam day. It’s so easy, it almost feels unfair.


Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Sign up for the Dispatch Primer System today and join the hundreds of students who have already passed the Criticall and kickstart your dispatch career!


For a taste of a few of the topics tested by the Criticall, try out our free practice test below:

Take the CritiCall 911 Practice Test

CritiCall Dispatcher Course

What's on the Criticall?

The Criticall test assesses candidates on their ability in the following areas:

  • Map Reading
  • Decision Making
  • Memory Recall
  • Data Entry
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Basic Numeracy
  • Written Ability

The Dispatch Primer System comes with comprehensive resources to prepare you for every section of your exam, with fully instructional guides and practice tests containing text-based and audio exercises to provide the most authentic Criticall prep experience possible.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s on the exam:

Attention to Detail

1. Computerised Data Entry

Listening to, or reading, data from a number of different sources and entering it quickly and accurately into a computer system via a keyboard.

2. Cross Referencing

Cross-referencing information from an address book and entering it quickly and accurately into a computer system via a keyboard.

3. Character Comparison

Identifying and highlighting differences between two tables of seemingly identical information.

Basic Reading, Writing & Math

4. Vocal Summarization

Summarising information from simulated 911 calls or conversations and entering it into relevant data fields.

5. Reading Comprehension

Comprehending written information from a number of different texts and then answering subsequent questions.

6. Spelling

Spelling a number of commonplace words to test the candidate’s ability to clearly and accurately relay information between callers and emergency services.

7. Sentence Clarity

Determining which sentence best clarified a set of facts from a list of similarly worded sentences.

8. Math

Calculating a number of basic math questions to test the candidate’s ability to perform tasks such as addition, subtraction and percentage work.

Dispatch Skills

9. Decision Making

Assigning emergency response units to incidents based on strict geographic and company protocol.

10. Memory Recall

Recalling sequences of numbers & letters from short-term memory. Sequences may be presented in written or spoken form.

11. Prioritization

Prioritizing and ranking the urgency of emergency incidents based on company protocol to help determine necessary dispatch response.

12. Map Reading

Reading and navigating a number of different maps to then choose the most efficient or suitable route for emergency service units to travel.

CritiCall Passing Scores

As the CritiCall exam consists of different sections corresponding to different skills, each section comes with its own passing requirement. When preparing for this exam, it is important to bear these requirements in mind; one cannot simply do exceptionally well at half of the exam and flunk the other half expecting to scrape a passing grade. Proficiency in all components is essential.

Basic Skills

Test Name Passing Score
Call Summarization 70%
Call Summarization with Multi-Tasking 70%
Reading Comprehension 60%
Spelling 70%
Sentence Clarity 70%

Dispatcher Skills

Test Name Passing Score
Memory Recall 70%
Numeric Memory Recall with Audio 70%
Suburban-Rural Map Reading 70%
Prioritization 70%

Attention to Detail

Test Name Passing Score
Data Entry with Multi-Tasking 60 KPM
Audio Data Entry with Multi-Tasking 28 KPM
Keyboarding 35 WPM
Cross-Referencing 70%
Cross-Referencing with Audio 70%
Character Comparison 70%

CritiCall Background Check & Panel Interview

When you apply for a dispatcher position, a background check will be carried out to ensure that you have no felony convictions, and to make a qualitative assessment of any previous convictions on your record. This does not necessarily mean that any non-felony convictions will immediately disqualify you from the role – previous convictions are considered on a case-by-case basis. The Dispatch Primer System includes a full written module that explores the background check in full detail so that you can properly understand what to expect.

In addition, you will face the dreaded panel interview in order for your prospective employer to know a little more about you as a person so that they can have a more three-dimensional view than would be provided by simply testing your cognitive/work-related skills. While the experience can vary for each individual, the Dispatch Primer System includes a guide on the best methods for your panel interview, so that you can set yourself apart from the competition and show the panel your best side.

Ready to Kickstart Your Dispatch Career?

You won’t get a second chance at the Criticall.

If you’re serious about passing this difficult exam, you need to be fully-equipped with the best materials to maximize your shot at beating the competition and landing the job. Prepterminal’s Dispatch Primer System is the premier tool for complete Criticall preparedness.

Don’t put off this opportunity for success. Sign up for the Dispatch Primer System today and you’ll be ready to take on the Criticall in just three hours!

*Note: CritiCall Dispatcher and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with PrepTerminal or this website.

Created by: MaureenPsychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
7,576 students -

I’m Maureen, Prepterminal’s CritiCall expert. Any questions about the course? Let me know at


  • Q
    Quincey J
    Informative for the subject
    Helpful to understand the right answers
  • O
    Oliver W.
    Did well on the test
    I was a tragedy on the practice test, but after I took the course I improved my result significantly and actually managed to pass the real test!
  • m
    real good stuff
    Makes it real!
  • C
    Carol W.
    Thank God I got that course!
    This course improved my results by around 30% and I passed! Totally worth the money!
  • T
    Tim W.
    Do the practice test and
    Do the practice test and get you speed up to answer every questions! The three test are great. Videos offered quick thinking insight, so be sure to learn the tricks to make the best score possible.
  • S
    Soenke S.
    Very good courses, without them
    Very good courses, without them and train I would not so good succeed the real one.
  • S
    Great course
    Very helpful, especially with simplifying the questions to get quick answers.
  • s
    info very helpful

Criticall Dispatch Primer System

1 Week $64.90
1 Month $74.90
3 Month $94.90