Ace the 2023 Harrison Assessment With Quick Guide & Accurate Practice
Learn to use the Harrison Assessment to your advantage and show prospective employers that you’re the best candidate for the job
The Harrison Assessment is used by a multitude of employers in order to identify and hire people who are an ideal fit to the company culture with good prospects for internal progression within the company’s structure. Harrison’s predictive analytics can make or break applications for a new position, so it is crucial to prepare thoroughly.
For as long as tests like the Harrison Assessment have existed, their providers have claimed there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer, and we’re here to tell you otherwise. Prepterminal’s Harrison Prep Package has been meticulously designed by industry experts to help candidates succeed in their applications by untangling the unique challenges of this test. Start studying today to get ahead of the competition and secure the next stepping-stone in your career.
Table of Contents
- What is the Harrison Assessment?
- What does the Harrison Assessment Course cover?
- How is the Harrison Assessment different from other behavioral assessments?
- Harrison Assessment Tools
- What is the Enjoyment Performance Theory?
- What is Paradox Theory?
- Prepare with Prepterminal’s Harrison Assessment Course
What is the Harrison Assessment?
Harrison Assessments are online profiling tools that employers use to gain insight into the work preferences and behavioral profiles of prospective employees. Harrison Assessments reports analyzing a variety of personality traits, interests, and work and task environment preferences. Employers use this information for recruitment purposes and also for career and team development.
Harrison Assessment tools measure a candidate’s:
- Job and Task Preferences
- Work Environment Preferences
- Personality Type
- Interests
- Personal Motivations
- Behavioral Profile
If you have been asked to take a Harrison Assessment it’s crucial that you prepare thoroughly with focused resources to gain the upper hand in this challenging assessment.
The best route to success in the Harrison assessment is to make use of expert-curated resources. Our team of psychometric test experts have put together a comprehensive preparatory course so you can practice on Harrison Assessment-specific material. Get started with Prepterminal’s Harrison Prep Package today and secure the next stepping stone in your career.
What does the Harrison Assessment Course cover?
Lifetime access
13 Instructional guides
9 Practice Sets
Unique tactics for each question type
Video-based modules
Suitable for all applicants to companies
administering the Harrison Assessment
How is the Harrison Assessment different from other behavioral assessments?
The Harrison Assessment is unique in three key ways:
#1. Harrison offers an assessment with job-specific behavioral and personality testing which aims to predict job success, retention, and engagement. Their SmartQuestionnaire assesses 175 talent factors in 25 minutes. When a job is chosen it compares the behavior of the individual to the job-specific behavioral factors connected to high performance in that job role.
#2. Harrison Paradox Technology measures how employees deal with 12 paradoxical pairs of behaviors, each of which is central to job performance. For instance, self-confidence can be a great asset but if it is not balanced with consideration of others, a self-confident individual can become dogmatic. Paradox identifies job-related strengths and over 40 possible derailers without asking any negative questions.
#3. Harrison Assessment is a two-way test because it considers the degree to which the employer and employee will meet each other’s common needs. As such, it can be used to predict engagement and retention. Given that ideal employment requires meeting mutual needs, the Harrison approach is more efficient and likely to be more successful than a one-way style assessment, which only measures how well the candidate meets the needs of their potential employer. Harrison claims that no other assessment provider provides such a complete meeting of mutual needs.
The diagram below shows how Harrison assesses mutual needs:
As Harrison Assessments are unique they need to be approached in a certain way. To do this effectively you will need to become familiar with Harrison’s assessment style questions. Our Harrison Prep Package demystifies the process by which you’ll be assessed and will get you on track for test success in a mere matter of hours.
Harrison’s assessment tools
Talent Acquisition Assessments
Employers use Harrison’s Talent Acquisition assessments to identify and hire the best talent for their business by using a 25-minute SmartQuestionnaire. Employers use talent acquisition assessments to filter and rank the top candidates for job-specific behavior and qualifications before the employer even reviews the candidate’s resume or invites the candidate to an interview.
More about each of Harrison’s Talent Acquisition Assessments:
Questions are delivered in a variety of formats. The majority of questions take a self-assessment format, while others involve pattern recognition problems. In the case of the self-assessment questions, questions can require that the candidate grades a number of statements from ‘most’ to ‘least’, or that a single statement is selected out of a number of options.
Staged Psychometric Testing – A stepped process in which recruitment assessments are applied only after a candidate has passed the earlier stage.
Pre-screening for Qualifications – Automatically screens and ranks candidates with a custom-built questionnaire that targets the employer’s central qualifications.
Job Specific Behavior and Personality – Measures 175 talent factors in only 25 minutes.
Critical Thinking and Numerical Reasoning – Assesses critical thinking and numerical reasoning for specific job requirements in only 20 minutes using Harrison’s adaptive QCT questionnaire.
Behavioral Interview – Asks questions that reveal a cultural fit, job fit, and the potential to meet the candidate’s needs.
Sales – Includes 25 variations of Sales Recruitment Assessments based on the type of products, closing, the degree of prospecting, and ongoing customer relationships.
Customer service – Predicts whether or not candidates will create repeat customers with 14 customizable variations based on the type of service offered.
Technical – Predicts performance and engagement for 45 customizable variations based on the number of people interactions and type of technical work.
Administration – Predicts performance, retention, and engagement, with 27 customizable assessments for Financial, Human Resources, and general administrative positions.
Supervisory – Supervisory positions vary according to the job being supervised. Harrison provides more than 600 customizable assessments that predict supervisory performance, retention, and engagement.
Leadership Development Assessments
Harrison’s Leadership Development Assessment uses its 25-minute SmartQuestionnaire to provide employers with insight into the behaviors that make leaders successful. Paradox Technology is used to see whether a leader’s strong behavioral characteristics are true strengths or potential derailers.
More about each of Harrison’s Leadership Development Assessments:
Emerging Leader Competencies – Employers can compare their emerging leaders to the key success factors related to Harrison’s 10 emerging leadership competencies. They can also help new leaders prosper with development plans that target gaps.
Senior Leader Competencies – Employers can compare their existing senior leaders and future senior leaders to the 10 competencies related to senior leader success and attain leadership potential with specific development plans.
Paradoxical Leadership Skills – Effective leaders need to balance a series of apparently opposed behaviors.
Management Assessments – Management success behaviors can differ based on the specific role and culture of a company. Harrison’s 600+ customizable variations target certain behaviors for development and offer development plans.
Organizational Development Assessments
Harrison’s Organizational Development Assessment lets employers assess central talent functions by department, manager, or by entire organization. Individual SmartQuestionnaire data is collated across groups giving employers insight into creating effective teams, succession planning, developing an engaged culture, and holding on to top talent.
More about each of Harrison’s Organizational Development Assessments:
Succession and Job Rotation – Organizations can search internally for high potentials and receive decision analytics that deals with both qualifications and behaviors.
Team Analytics for Organizational Development – Organizations can uncover critical paradoxical behaviors needed to attain individual and team goals.
Engagement Survey – Organizations can track engagement improvements with Harrison’s Engagement Survey. Organizations can use this tool to identify employee expectations, and engagement supporting behaviors.
Collaboration Competencies – Used to discover essential insights related to the 5 collaboration behavioral competencies. Businesses can achieve organizational development via team collaboration and development plans. Employee Retention – Provides deep insights into an organization’s talent competitiveness through Harrison’s Retention Analytics.
Cultural Analytics – Measures organizational behavior at various levels of the organization including managers, senior leaders, and over various departments. It also shows employers how to develop their culture and reach their stated mission.
Job Analytics – Organizations can create Key Performance Indicators and Job Success Formulas that will save them more than 70% of administration time in connection to recruitment and succession planning while attracting and maintaining top talent.
Career Planning – Organization can plan their career path with Harrison’s in-depth analysis of an organization’s strengths, interests, potential derailers, task preferences, and work environment preferences.
At PrepTerminal our psychometric test experts have carefully developed a module-based Harrison Assessment course to help you succeed in any of the Harrison Assessments. Start practicing with us today at your own pace from the comfort of your home.
What is the Enjoyment Performance Theory?
The Enjoyment Performance Theory holds that when we enjoy a task we undertake it more often. When we do something over and over again in a repetitive way, we also tend to get better at the task. As we get better we may also receive positive feedback from others and ourselves, which contributes to our growth and development, and that positive external feedback or internal self-praise increases our enthusiasm for the given behavior. The cycle repeats itself, reinforcing our enjoyment and preference for the behavior, and to some degree causing us to form behavior habits, which we may not notice are behavior decisions.
The cycle also acts out in relation to tasks we don’t like doing, and we avoid or procrastinate on those behaviors that we don’t like. As a result, we typically don’t improve and the feedback from ourselves and others may be negative or less complementary, which can decrease our preference for those certain behaviors. As time goes on those behaviors become a very low preference and in the end, we tend to move away from them, as behavior choices.
Therefore, according to the Enjoyment Performace Theory, performance and enjoyment are related; performance is directly connected to the level of interest and enjoyment of a given activity. The Harrison Assessments are based on the enjoyment theory and as such Harrison aims to ensure that people are aligned to job roles for which they are both suitable and eligible.
What is the Paradox Theory?
The Paradox Theory is the second foundational theory that forms the basis of the Harrison Assessment. A paradox has two statements that on the surface seem to be contradictory or opposed to one another, but they are still both true. Paradoxical traits have two traits that also seem to be opposites but they are actually dependent on each other. If you have one trait and not the other you may encounter difficulties.
Dr. Harrison has identified 12 pairs of behavior traits believed to be paradoxical in their character. If one of the traits of the paradox pair is dominant, then even the strong trait may end up being a weakness. Within each paradox, the balance is crucial. The degree of balance (or lack of balance) can provide employers with insight into a candidate’s behavior.
Prepare with Prepterminal’s Harrison Assessment Course
Harrison measures both eligibility and suitability for job roles, talent, and retention management. Our Harrison Assessment preparatory course has been meticulously designed to help you demonstrate just how eligible and suitable you are for the job you are applying for.
As the Harrison Assessment is the only assessment tool founded on the Enjoyment Performance Theory and Paradox Theory, and the only test of its type that covers the personality, interests, work environment, and task preferences of the candidate, it is important that you study using material that mirrors the real Harrison tests.
Our Harrison Prep Pack focuses on Harrison’s unique approach to predictive analytics to help you understand how you’re being assessed and how to showcase your fit as the ideal candidate for the job position. In addition, this course includes a range of modules on cognitive assessment prep, a form of pre-employment testing which is almost always administered alongside the Harrison Assessment. Click on Get Started to begin your prep with instant online access.
*Note: Harrison Assessments International, Ltd. and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with PrepTerminal or this website.
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